What’s new in AYON: Summer 2024

What's new in ayon

As we wrap up the summer of 2024, AYON has seen some exciting updates aimed at improving the workflow for animation and VFX studios. Here’s a summary of the most significant new features and improvements that rolled out between May and August, including the highly anticipated Activity Feed, the brand new Inbox, and more.

Introducing the Activity Feed

The release of version 1.1 brought one of the most requested features: the Activity Feed, which helps users stay up-to-date with project changes, tasks, and conversations.

  • Main Activity Feed: A unified view of comments, status updates, and assignee changes for streamlined communication.
  • Filters: Filter by comments, checklists, or versions to find what you need quickly.
  • Markdown Support: Format your comments clearly using Markdown syntax.
  • Integrated Checklists: Organize and track task progress easily.
  • Advanced Mentions: Use @username, @@version, and @@@task to tag collaborators, helping everyone stay on the same page.
  • Compare View: View side-by-side comparisons of different entities.

These improvements have helped to improve communication across teams and projects, ensuring everyone remains aligned without needing to jump between multiple tools. Read more about the 1.1.0 release.

The Inbox Feature

In June, the 1.2.1 update introduced the Inbox, an email-inspired page for managing all your project notifications in one place. This feature prioritizes important messages, enabling teams to focus on what matters most.

  • Prioritized Notifications: Critical messages are automatically pushed to the top of your inbox.
  • Clear & Read: Easily manage messages by marking them as read or clearing them once addressed.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Receive browser push notifications for instant updates.
  • Notification Sounds: Audible alerts when new messages arrive.

With the inbox, users can now manage their communications effectively without missing key updates. Check out the full details here.


Reviewables & Web Viewer

July’s release of version 1.3.0 brought significant enhancements to review workflows with Reviewables and a new Web Viewer. These updates aim to simplify how teams manage and review complex assets.

  • Reviewables: Upload multiple versions of assets (e.g., videos and images) to gain deeper insight into models or scenes.
  • Web Viewer: A fast-loading viewer that allows near-instant playback of reviewables. With keyboard support and seamless timeline scrubbing, it’s easier to leave feedback and compare different versions.

These features are a game-changer for teams working with detailed models or environments, allowing reviewers to focus on the finer aspects of their work. Explore more about Reviewables.



The latest release, 1.3.1, introduces Watchers, a feature that keeps users automatically informed about updates on tasks or projects they’re involved in. When you’re assigned a task or comment, you’re automatically added as a watcher, ensuring that you don’t miss any important changes.

  • Automatic Watchers: Added to any task you comment on or are assigned to.
  • Manual Control: Manually add or remove watchers to fine-tune notifications.
  • Improved Reviewables: Reorder and rename reviewable assets directly within the web app.

Watchers simplify staying informed and reduce the risk of losing track of crucial updates. Learn more about Watchers here.


This summer has been filled with major improvements aimed at improving collaboration and boosting productivity within AYON. From the activity feed to the inbox and enhanced review workflows, these updates have given AYON powerful tools for communicating with animation and VFX teams.

To dive deeper into any of these features or catch up on the full release notes, check out the official AYON releases on GitHub. and the community forum.

We can’t wait to see how these tools help streamline your pipeline workflows.

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